Thông báo sách mới tháng 1 năm 2011


1. Foundations for ascience of personality/ MD. Andras Angyal . - NY. : The commonwealth fund, Andras Angyal, MD. . - XII, 398tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : personality, integration
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The idea of a science of personality. 2: The trend toward increased autonomy. 3: The psychological functions. 4: Organism and environment. 5: Biospheric dynamics. 6: The trend toward homonomy. 7: Specific dynamic trends. 8: The problem of integration. 9:Disturbances of integration. 10: The course of life as a gestalt
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 449

2. Patterns of culture/ Ruth Benedict . - NY. : The new american library, 1946 . - XIII, 272tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : culture, individual
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The science of custom. 2: The diversty of cultures. 3: The integration of culture. 4: The pueblos of new mexico. 5: Dobu. 6: The northwest coast american. 7: The nature of society. 8: The individual and the pattern of culture
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 429

3. Games people play/ Eric Berne, MD. . - NY. : Grove press, Inc., 1964 . - 192tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Games, Trò chơi điện tử
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Analysis of games. Part 2: Athesaurus of games. Part 3: Beyond Games
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 439

4. All the livelong day/ Barbara Garson . - NY. : DoubledayCompany,Inc., 1975 . - XVI, 221tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : Labor and laboring classes, United states, Interviews
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Charlie chaplin factories. 2: Progress. 3: Paper
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 428

5. An analysis of human sexual response/ Edward brecher . - NY. : Asignet book, 1966 . - XIV, 318tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : sexual, sex research
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: The work of masters and johnson. Part 2: Other sex research. Part 3: Practical applications of sex research. Part 4: Sex research and our culture
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 423

6. Coming of age in samoa/ Margaret mead . - NY. : A mentor book, 1928 . - 192tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : education, girl, age group, individuality, personality
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction. 2: A day in samoa. 3: The education of the samoan child. 4: The samoan household. 5: the girl and her age group. 6: The girl in the community. 7: Formal sex relations. 8: The role of the dance. 9: The attitude towards personality. 10: The experience and individuality of the average girl. 11: The girl in conflict. 12: Maturity and old age. 13: Our educational problems in the light of samoan contrasts. 14: Education for choice.
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 424

7. Introduction to industrial clinical psychology/ John B.Miner . - NY. : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1963 . - VIII, 274tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Intelligence, job, Emotions, industrial clinical psychology
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: An introduction to performance analysis. 2: Intelligence and job knowledge. 3: Emotions and emotional illness. 4: individual motivation to work. 5: Physical characteristics and disorders. 6: Family ties. 7: The groups at work. 8: The company. 9: Society and its values. 10: Situational forces. 11: Special problems in managerial ineffectiveness. 12: Case histories and performance analyses
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 441

8. The neurotic personality of our time/ Dr.Karen Horney . - NY. : W.W.Norton Company,Inc., 1937 . - XII, 299tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : personality, neuroses, Cultural
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Cultural and psychological implications of neuroses. 2: Reasons for speaking of a "neurotic personality of our time". 3: Anxiety. 4: Anxiety and hostility. 5: The basic structure of neuroses. 6: The neurotic need for affection. 7: Further characteristics of the neurotic need for affection. 8: Ways of getting affection and sensitivity to rejection. 9: The role of sexuality in the neurotic need for affection. 10: The quest for power, prestige and possession. 11: Neurotic competitiveness. 12: recoiling from competition. 13: Neurotic guilt feelings. 14: The meaning of neurotic suffering. 15: Culture and neurosis
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 440

9. Managing for organizational effectiveness: an experiential approach/ Frederic E.Finch, Halsey R.Jones, Joseph A.litterer . - NY. : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1976 . - XI, 282tr., 28 cm
Từ khoá : Organization, Manage,ent, Executive ability
Giới thiệu nội dung : Section 1: Organization structure and human behavior. Section 2: Leader-subordinate relations. Section 3: Leader-group relations. Section 4: The organizational setting of leadership
Ký hiệu kho : LL 882

10. Behavior in organizations: understanding and managing the human side of work/ Robert A.Baron . - London : Allyn and bacon,Inc., 1983 . - XVII, 583tr., 24 cm
Từ khoá : Organizational behavior
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Behavior in organizations: an introduction. Part 2: Behavior in organizations: individual processes. Part 3: Bahavior in organizations: grop processes. Part 4: Enhancing organizational effectiveness
Ký hiệu kho : LL 883

11. The self in social interaction/ Chad Gordon, Kenneth J.Gergen . - NY. : John Wiley Sons,Inc., 1968 . - XII, 473tr., 26 cm
Từ khoá : self, behavior, social
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Introduction to volume. Part 2: Theoretical contexs. Part 3: The nature and dimensions of the self. Part 4: The development of self. Part 5: Self-conception and the determination of behavior. Part 6: Self-conception and psychopathology. Part 7: Epilogue
Ký hiệu kho : LL 880

12. Readings in industrial and organizational psychology/ Frank J.Landy . - Chicago : The Dorsey Press . - VIII, 514tr., 25 cm
Từ khoá : industrial, organizational psychology
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Job analysis and job evaluation. 2: Selection. 3: Alternatives to traditional testing. 4: Performance measurement. 5: Training. 6: Motivation. 7: Leadership. 8: Employment. 9: Job design. 10: Organizationl Processes. 11: Work and task design. 12: Stress. 13: Work schedules
Ký hiệu kho : LL 881

13. An introduction to group dynamics/ Donelson R.Forsyth . - California : Brooks-cole publishing company, 1983 . - XV, 560tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Social groups, group dynamics
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Orientation and methods. Part 2: Basic group processes. Part 3: Social influence processes. Part 4: Problems in groups. Part 5: Applications
Ký hiệu kho : LL 879

14. The revolution of hope toward a humanized technology/ Erich Fromm . - NY. : Harper Row,Publishers, 1968 . - VII, 177tr., 17 cm
Từ khoá : hope , humanization
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The crossroads. 2: Hope. 3: Where are we now and where are we headed?. 4: What does it mean to be human?. 5: Steps to the humanization of technological society. 6: Can we do it?
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 426

15. Psyche and symbol/ C.G.Jung . - NY. : Doubleday anchor books doubleday company,Inc., 1958 . - XXXIV, 363tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : Psyche, symbo, self
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Five chapters from: Aion: Contributions to the symbolism of the self. Part 2: Foreword to the I ching or book of changes
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 425

16. Modern man in search of a soul/ C.G.Jung . - NY. : Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1933 . - IX, 244tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : man, psychotherapy
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Dream analysis in its practical application. 2: Problems of modern psychotherapy. 3: The aims of psychotherapy. 4: Apsychological theory of types. 5: The stages of life. 6: Freud and Jung-Contrasts. 7: Archaic Man. 8: Psychology and literature. 9: The basic postulates of analytical psychology. 10: The spiritual Problem of modern man. 11: Psychotherapists or the clergy
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 427

17. Foundations for a science of personality/ Andras Angyal,MD. . - NY. : The viking press, 1941 . - XII, 398tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : personality
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: the idea of a science of personality. 2: The trend toward increased autonomy. 3: The psychological functions. 4: Organism and environment. 5: Biospheric dynamics. 6: The trend toward hononomy. 7: Specific dynamic trends. 8: The problem of integration. 9: Disturbances of integration. 10: The course of life as a gestalt
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 448

18. Inside groups: a practical guide to encounter groups group therapy/ Thomas R.Verrny . - NY. : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1974 . - 262 tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Group relations training, Group psychotherapy
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction. 2: The intimate revolution. 3: Getting your head in the right space. 4: Taking the plunge. 5: Now down to the nitty-gritty. 6: The helpee-helper alliance. 7: An overview of verbal and nonverbal group techniques. 8: The group marathon. 9: Consciousness raising for women and men. 9: Questions you have always wanted to know he answers to but had no oen to ask. 10: The many ways to grow
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 446

19. Behaviorism/ John B.Watson . - Chicago : Phoenix Boooks, 1924 . - X, 308tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Behaviorism, Emotions, Personality
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: What is behaviorism? 2: How to study human behavior. 3-4: The human body. 5-6: Are there any human instincts. 7-8: Emotions. 9: Our manual habits. 10: Talking and thinking. 11: Do we always think in words?. 12: Personality
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 444

20. Interpersonal dynamics inthe small group/ Gerald M.Phillips . - NY. : Random House, 1970 . - XVIII, 242tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Interpersonal, small group
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Uses of the small group. 2: The individual in the small group. 3: Leadership, ranking and membership. 4: The human interpersonal transaction. 5: The impact of communication on human behavior
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 447

21. Walden two/ Skinner B.F. . - NY. : The macmillan company, 1960 . - 266tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Walden two, social structure
Giới thiệu nội dung : This influential book created quite a stir when it was first published in 1948, so much so, that many people actually started forming intentional, egalitarian communes and existing ones embraced many of the ideas of social structure presented in "Walden Two". Further, Aldus Huxley, author of "Brave New World", was so impressed with the ideas presented in "Walden Two", that he incorporated and expanded on them in his last novel, "Island". And many people feel this was his best work. I concur. The book is not a monument to fine novel writing and was not intended to be, yet it is fascinating and eye-opening as a fictional dissertation on utopian social structure can be. Huxley´s "Island", on the other hand was beautifully written and requires no awareness of the psychology of social construction going on at the same time- neither book does, really. They are both interesting and thought provoking.
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 445

22. Encounter: group Processes for interpersonal growth/ Gerard Egan . - California : Adivision of wadsworth publishing company, inc., 1970 . - 424tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : group, interpersonal, laboratory
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction: the contract group in the context of laboratory learning and sensitivity training. 2: The contract. 3: Group goals. 4: The laboratory method. 5: Leadershop. 6: Total human expression: The elements of human dialogue; pathos, logos, poiesis. 7: Self-disclosure. 8: Supportive behavior. 9: Confrontation in laboratory training. 10: Astance against flight. 11: Epilog
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1098

23. Personality abehavioral analysis/ Robert W.Lundin . - NY. : Macmillan publishing co,Inc., 1974 . - 484tr., 24 cm
Từ khoá : Personality, behavior
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The study of personality. 2: Scientific method and personality. 3: Coditioning and extinction. 4: Schedules of reinforcement. 5: Discrimination and differentiation. 6: Conditioned reinforcement. 7: Deprivation and satiation. 8: The influence biological and early enviromenttal conditions on personality development. 9: Escape. 10: Avoidance. 11: Punishment. 12: Anxiety. 13: Frustration and conflict I. 14: Frustration and conflict II. 15: Neurotic behavior. 16: Psychotic behavior. 17: Convetional psychotherapies. 18: Behavior therapy. 19: The practical control of behavior.
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1100

24. Psychological reflections/ C.G.Jung . - NY. : Harper brothers, 1953 . - XXVII, 340tr., 1953
Từ khoá : Psychological reflections, psyche, values
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The nature and activity of the psyche. 2: Man in his relation to others. 3: The world of values. 4; on ultimate things
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 437

25. The moral judgment of the child/ Jean piaget . - USA : the free press glencoe, Illinois, Jean Piaget . - IX, 418tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : moral judgment, game, child, social relations
Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: The rules of the game. Chapter 2: Adult constraint and moral realism. Chapter 3: Cooperation and the development of the ides of justice. Chapter 4: the two moralities of the child and types of social relations
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 443

26. Cybernetics or control and communication in the animal and the machine/ Norbert Wienter . - Cambridge : The, 1948 . - XVI, 212 tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Cybernetics, communication, psychopathology
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Original edition: 1- Newtonian and bergsonia time. 2-Groups and statistical mechanics. 3-Time series, information and communication. 4-Feedback and oscillation. 5-Computing machines and the nervous system. 6-Gestalt and universals. 7-Cybernetics and psychopathology. 8-Information, language and society. 9-On learning and self-reproducing machines. 10-Brain waves and self-organizing systems
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 434

27. Leadership and productivity/ Dubin Robert, Homans George C. . - California : Chandler publishing company, 1965 . . - IX, 138tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : Leadership, productivity, organization
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Supervision and productivity: empirical findings and theoretical considerrations. 2: Effort, supervision and productivity. 3: Toward an understanding of the leadership role in formal organization. 4: Supervisors: Evolution of an organizational role
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 438

28. Making groups work a guide for group leaders/ Rodney W. Napier, MAtti K. Gershenfeld . - London : Houghton mifflin company, 1983 . - XVI, 286tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : groups work, group leaders, leadership role
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The leadership effect: Why some groups fail and some succeed. 2: The leadership role. 3: The questions leaders. 4: the fundamentals of design. 5: Classic designs. 6: Specific interventions for conflict situations. 7: Evaluation
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1111

29. Small group performance/ Thornton B.Roby . - Chicago : Rand McNally, 1968 . - 357tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Small group, group information
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Topic and tools. 2: General framework. 3: Belief states and group information. 4: Viglance. 5: Information routing. 6: Storage and forecasting. 7: Patterning. 8: Action potential. 9: Excutive structure. 10: More about tasks. 11: Mapping and planning. 12: Addressing. 13: Phasing. 14: Twoard a synthesis
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1112

30. Every employee a manager/ M.Scott Myers . - NY. : McGraw-Hill book company, 1970 . - XVI, 233tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : manager, personnel
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Theories of human effectiveness. 2: Conditions for human effectiveness. 3: Job enrichment. 4: The changing roles of management. 5: The role of the personnel function
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1114

31. The psychology of intergroup relations: conflict and consciousness/ Louise H.Kidder, V.Mary Stewart . - NY. : McGraw-Hill book company, 1975 . - XV, 128tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Social groups, Prejudices and antipathies, Social perceptions, Racial relations
Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: Studies of groups: values in science and culture. Chapter 2: Comparisons among groups: perceived group differences and ethnocentrism. Chapter 3: Competition between groups: relative deprivation and dissatisfaction. Chapter 4: Definitions of groups: symbolic power and social roles. Chapter 5: Liberation: countercultures and revolutions proposition
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 452

32. Dynamics of groups at work/ Herbert A.Thelen . - Chicago : Phoenix books, 1954 . - IX, 374tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : groups, work
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Rebulding the community through citizen action. 2: Educating children through need-meeting activity. 3: Developing the school through faculty self-training. 4: Administration and management: group responsibility and individual autonomy. 5: Training for group particiption: the laboratory method. 6: Effective meetings: principles and procedures. 7: Membership: the groups within. 8: Integration: Evaluating and acting. 9: Realty: factors in the problem-struation. 10: Control: developing the group culture. 11: Leadership: co-ordinating effort toward group goals. 12: Community: the context of group operation
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 450

33. Creative management/ Norman R.F.Maier, John J.Hayes . - NY. : John wiley sons,Inc., 1962 . - VII, 226tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : management, leadership methods
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Democratic principles in authoritarian institutions. 2: Creativity and conformity. 3: Conference room behavior. 4: Conferences and nonconferences. 5: A test of leadership methods in a life situation. 6: The problem-solving conference. 7: The pscudodemocratic conference. 8: The informational conference. 9: Conducting problem-solving conferences. 10: Upgrading quality and acceptance. 11: Introducing creative management
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1115

34. Industrial and organizational psychology/ Abraham K.Korman . - NY. : Prentice-hall,Inc.,, 1971 . - XiV, 398tr., 24 cm
Từ khoá : Industrial, organizational psychology
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. 2: Research in industrial and organizational psychology: methods and problems. 3: Motivational factors in work performance. 4: Abilities, role perceptions and job performance. 5: The psychology of organization. 6: Leadership. 7: Job satisfaction. 8: Personnel seletion: the traditional moderls. 9: Personnel selection: the newer models. 10: techniques in personnel selection. 11: Effecting change processes in industry: skii training and attitude change. 12: Effcting changes in industry: motivational change. 13: Measuring job performance and job satisfaction: conceptual problems. 14: The measurement of job performance and job satisfaction: specific techniques
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1113

35. Sensitivity to people/ Henry Clay Smith . - NY. : McGraw-Hill book company, 1966 . - X, 226tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Education
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Education for sensitivity. Part 2: The perceiver. Part 3: The interaction between perceiver and person. PArt 4; The person. Part 5: Implications and applications
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1104

36. Group processes/ Joseph Luft . - California : mayfield publishing company, 1984 . - XII, 237tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Group processes, interpersonal influences
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Group processes in perspective. Part 2: Models and metaphors. Part 3: Groups and interpersonal influences. Part 4: Applications
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1105

37. The soul of economies spiritual evolution goes to the marketplace/ Denise Breton, Christopher Largent . - London : Idea house publishing company, 1991 . - VI, 366tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : economies, marketplace
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The crises that came to dinner. 2: Who´s driving the chariot?. 3: Practical philosophies: what´s involved?. 4: Wha´t foward and what´s not?. 5: The ups and downs of evolution. 6: The days of creation: assumptions that make us creative. 7: The commandments: strategies that liberate. 8: The beatitudes: responses that empower. 9: The lord´s prayer: the purpose to evolve
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1103

38. T-groups asurvey of research/ C.L.Cooper , L.I.Mangham . - NY. : John Whiley Sons Ltd., 1971 . - XVII, 283tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : T-groups, Job change, organizational change
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The effectiveness of T-groups in producing on the Job change. 2: Before and after the T-group. 3: The T-group as a vehicle of organizational change. 4: The T-group trainer. 5: T-group composition. 6: Intra-group dynamics. 7: Course of development in the T-group
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1002

39. Personality/ David C.McClelland . - NY. : The dryden press, 1951 . - XVI, 654tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : Personality
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Methodology: how personality is studied. Part 2: Trait as a personality variable. Part 3: Schema as a personality variable. Part 4: Motive as a personality variable. Part 5: Summary and integration
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1088

40. Psychology of personality: readings in theory/ William S.Sahakian . - Chicago : Rand mcnally company, 1965 . - XVI, 504tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : personality
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Psychoanalysis. 2: Analytical psychology. 3: individual psychology. 4: Humanistic psychoanalysis. 5: Neo-freudianism: the sociological. 6: The interpersonal theory. 7: The sociometric approach to personal. 8: The biosocial theory of personality. 9: Personology. 10: Topological or field theory of personality. 11: Personalistic psychology: atrait approach to personality. 12: Organismic psychology. 13: The holistic theory of personality.14: Self-actualizationism: the meta motivational theory of personality
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1089

41. The forgotten language/ Erich Fromm . - NY. : Grove Press,Inc., 1951 . - VII, 263tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : language, dreams, Freud, Jung
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Itroduction. 2: The nature of symbolic language. 3: The nature of dreams. 4: Freud and jung. 5: The history of dream interpretation. 6: The art of dream interpretation. 7: Symbolic language in myth, fairy tale, ritual and novel.
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 435

42. Social Psychology/ Herbert Harari, Robert M.Kaplan . - California : Cole publishing company, 1982 . - XIV, 411tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Social psychology
Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: Person perception. Chapter 2: The self and others. Chapter 3: Changing attitudes. Chapter 4: influencing behavior. Chapter 5: Attraction and intimacy. Chapter 6: Ager and aggression. Chapter 7: Altruism and helping. Chapter 8: Groups and leadership. Chapter 9: Prejudice and morality. Chapter 10: Sex roles and sexism. Chapter 11: Social ecology. Chapter 12: Research methods in social psychology
Ký hiệu kho : LL 869

43. Psychology in management/ Mason Haire . - NY. : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1956 . - XIV, 238tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : management, Leadership, Organizations
Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: The nature of people. Chapter 3: Leadership and supervision. Chapter 4: Communication. Chapter 5: Training. Chapter 6: productivity and wage-payment plans. Chapter 7: Organizations
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1086

44. Brain, environment and social psychology/ Chadwick Jones J.K, Irmingard I.Lenzer . - NY. : University park press, 1979 . - VII, 202tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Brain, environment, social psychology
Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: introduction. Chapter 2: Brain and behavior. Chapter 3: Sex differences and. Chapter 4: Sex differences in social behavior. Chapter 5: Social psychology. Chapter 6: Language and social. Chapter 7: social perception in childhood. Chapter 8: The development of children´s communication skills. Chapter 9: Ethology. Chapter 10: Evironmental psychology. Chapter 11: Conclusion
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1087

45. Inhibitions, symptoms and Anxiety/ Sigmund Freud . - NY. : W.W.Norton Company, 1959 . - V, 110tr., 19 cm
Từ khoá : Anxiety, Neuroses, Psychoanalysis
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Editor´s introduction. 2: Inhibitions, symptoms and anxiety. 3: Addenda. 4: Supplementary remarks on anxiety. 5: Anxiety, pain and mourning
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 433

46. Five lectures on psycho-analysis/ Sigmund Freud . - NY. : W.W.Norton company.Inc., 1977 . - 73tr., 19 cm
Từ khoá : Psychoanalysis, Addresses, Essays, Lectures
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Editor´s note. 2: First lecture. 3: Second lecture. 4: Third lecture. 5: Fourth lecture. 6: Fifth lecture. 7: Bibliography and author index. 8: List of abbrecviations
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 432

47. A general introduction to psychoanalysis/ Freud Sigmund . - NY. : Garden city publishing company,inc., 1943 . - 412tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : psychoanalysis, Dreams, neuroses
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Introduction. Part 2: Dreams. Part 3: General theory of the neuroses
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 467

48. Beyond psychology/ Otto Rank . - NY. : Dover publications, inc., 1941 . - 291tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Beyond psychology, social change, personality, self, sexual self
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Psychology and social change. 2: The double as immortal self. 3: The emergence of the social self. 4: The creation of personality. 5: Two kinds of love. 6: The creation of the sexual self. 7: Feminine psychology and masculine ideology. 8: Psychology beyond the self
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 468

49. The authorit arian personality/ T.W.Adorno . - NY. : John wiley sons,Inc., 1964 . - XXXI, 600tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : personality, Parents and childhood
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction. 2: The measurement of ideological trends. 3: The study of anti-semitic ideology. 4: The study of ethnocentric ideology. 5: Politico-economic ideology and group mem-berships in relation to ethnocentrism. 6: Ethnocentrism in relation to some religious attitudes and practices. 7: The measurement of implicit antidemocratic trends. 8: Ethnocentrism in relation to intelligence and education. 9: the interviews as an approach to the prejudiced personality. 10: Parents and childhood as seen through the interviews
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 470

50. Will therapy and truth and reality/ Otto Rank . - NY. : Knopf Alfred A., 1945 . - XXI, 306tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : therapy, neuroti
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: The patient´s reaction to the therapeutic situation. Part 2: The therapist and the neurotic as complementary types. Part 3: truth and reality
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 469

51. Collected papers/ Sigmund Reud . - London : The hogarth press., 1950 . - 404tr, 22 cm
Từ khoá : Psycho-analysis, sexual
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Psycho-analysis. 2: Obsessive acts and religious practices. 3: The sexual enlightenment of children. 4: Character and anal erotism. 5: Hysterical phantasies and their relation to bisexuality. 6: On the sexual theories ò children. 7: "Civilized" sẽual morality and modern nervous-ness. 8: General remarks on hysterical attacks. 9: Psychogenic visual disturbance according to psycho-analytical conceptions. 10: Types of neurotic nosogensis. 11: The predisposition to obsessional neurosis. 12: A dream which bore testimony
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1135

52. Neuroses and personality disorders/ Elton B.McNeil . - London : Prectice-Hall,Inc., 1970 . - VIII, 176tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Neuroses, personality, Therapy
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: A sampler of aberrant behavior. 2: Phobic reactions. 3: The components of obsessive-compulsive reactions. 4: The dynamics of depression. 5: Hyssteia. 6: Therapy today. 7: Character and type theories. 8: The socipath. 9: The nature of deviation. 10: Alcoholism
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1133

53. The varieties of human physique an introduction to constitutional psychology/ W.H.Sheldon, S.S.Stevens . - NY. : Harper Brothers publishers, 1940 . - XII, 347tr., 24 cm
Từ khoá : human physique
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction and sumary. 2: The man historical thread. 3: Development of the technique of somatotyping. 4: How to proceed in somatotyping. 5: Some theoretical considerations. 6: Description of the somatotypes. 7: Toward a constitutional psychology
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1132

54. In the minds of men/ Gardner Murphy . - NY. : Basic Books,Inc., 1953 . - XIV, 306tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : minds, men, social health
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: An international "tensions project". 2: Sources of solidarity and cleavage in indian life and history. 3: Social tensions in today´s india. 4: Prospects of social health
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 478

55. Psychology and the human dilemma/ Rollo May . - NY. : Van nostrand reinhold company, Rollo May . - 221tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Psychology, human dilemma, anxiety, Psychotherapy
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Our contemporary situation. Part 2: Sources of anxiety. Part 3: Psychotherapy. Part 4: Freedom and responsibility
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 474

56. The origin of things/ Julius E. Lipps . - NY. : Fawcwtt publications, Inc., Julius E.Lips . - 240tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : good time, Education
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Accessories of allure. 2: Of home and hearth and pots and pans. 3: The first robots. 4: This friendly earth. 5: Invention and the early trades. 6: Having a good time. 7: On the roads of land and water. 8: Wall street in the jungle. 9: From tom-tom to newspaper. 10: Education without books. 10: Education without boooks. 11: The snow begings. 12: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 13: Magic and the powers of the unknown. 14: Journey´s end
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 463

57. People in quandaries/ Wendell Johnson . - NY. : Harper Brothers, 1946 . - XIV, 532tr., 22 cm
Từ khoá : People, Scientific living
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: People in quandaries. Part 2: Scientific living. Part 3: Words and not-words. Part 4: The making of a difference. Part 5: Applications
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 466

58. Collected papers. Vol 4 / Sigmund Freud . - London : The hogarth press, 1950 . - 508tr., 22 cm
Từ khoá : psycho-analysis
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Formulations regarding the two principles in metal functioning. 2: A note on the unconscious in psycho-analysis. 3: On narcissism: an introduction. 4: Instincts and their vicissitudes. 5: Repression. 6: the unconscious. 7: Metapsychological supplement to the theory of dreams. 8: Mourning and melancholia. 9: The relation of the poet to day-dreaming. 10: The antithetical sense of primal words´. 11: Contributions to the psychology of love.
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1137

59. Collected papers. Vol 5 / Sigmund Freud . - London : The hogarth press, 1950 . - 396tr., 22 cm
Từ khoá : psychical mechanism, hysterical, Family romances
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Hyonotism and suggestion. 2: Early studies on the psychical mechanism of hysterical phenomena. 3: A case of successful treatment by hypnotism. 4: Screen memories. 5: A premonitory drem fulfilled. 6: Family romances. 7: On transience. 8: Four prefaces. 9: A note on the prehistory of the technique of analysis. 10: Medusa´s head. 11: Two encyclopaedia articles. 12: Remarks upon the theory and practive of dream-interpretation
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1138

60. The folklore of management/ Clarence B.Randall . - NY. : A mentor executive library book, 1959 . - VII, 128tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : management, organization, myth
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The myth of communications. 2: The myth of the organization chart. 3: The myth of the management commitee. 4: The myth of the production wizard. 5 The myth of the almighty dollar. 6: The myth of the magic numbers. 7: The myth of the specialist. 8: The myth of the cost cutter. 9: The myth of the magic expense account. 10: The myth of the overworked executive. 11: The myth of the wicked politician. 12: The myth of the perfect balance sheet. 13: The myth of the slick purchasing agent. 14: The myth of the rugged individualist. 15: The myth of the communist superman. 16: The myth of the retirement
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 464

61. Arsenic and red tape/ Edmund G.Love . - NY. : A signet book, 1960 . - XI,160tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : customer
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Arsenic and red tape. 2: Excelsior. 3: No time to spare. 4: The customer is never right. 5: Things to know about webster pattinson. 6: Yr.Obed´t. Servan, Wallace munro. 7: All means and no end. 8: For every girl, a boy. 9: A museum for ollie chrisholm. 10: His honor, claudius watts. 11: The late unpleasantness. 12: Life by gevernment pamphlet
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 465

62. Group processes/ Peter B.Smith . - London : England penguin Books Inc., 1970 . - 453tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : Group, small group, Interpersonal, Social roles, Intergroup relations
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Defining the small group. Part 2: Structural models. Part 3: Interpersonal models. Part 4: Social roles. Part 5: Norms behavior change. Part 6: Intergroup relations
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 456

63. Toward a psychology of being/ Abraham H Maslow . - NY. : D.Van Nostrand company,Inc., 1962 . - IX, 214tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : psychology, motivation, cognition
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: A larger jurisdiction for psychology. 2: Growth and motivation. 3: Growth and cognition. 4: Creativeness. 5: Values. 6: Future tasks
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 455

64. The small group/ Michael S. Olmsted . - NY. : Random House, 1959 . - 159tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : small group, Group behavior, idividual, culture
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction. 2: The study of groups. 3: Group behavior: some case studies. 4: The functions of groups. 5: the idividual and the group. 6: The culture of the group. 7: The social structure of the group. 8: The sociology of small groups: comments and proposals
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 454

65. Learning to love/ Harry F.Harlow . - NY. : Ballantine books, 1971 . - 182tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : love, Social behavior
Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: The affectional system. Chapter 2: Age-mate or peer love. Chapter 3: Fear and anger. Chapter 4: Social behavior
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 430

66. Childhood and society/ Erik H.Erikson . - NY. : W.W.Norton company,Inc., 1950 . - 445tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Chidhood, social life, Youth
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Chidhood and the modalities of social life. Part 2: Childhood in two american indian tribes. Part 3: The growth of the ego. Part 4: Youth and the evolution of identity
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 436

67. The wild boy of aveyron/ Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard . - NY. : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962 . - XXIV, 103tr., 18 cm
Từ khoá : developments, young sav-age, emotional
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: First developments of the young sav-age of averyron. 2: A report made to his excellency the minister of the niterior. 3: Development of the function of the senses. 4: Development of the intellectual functions. 5: Development of emotional faculties
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 481

68. Industry and society/ William Foote Whyte . - NY. : McGraw-Hill book company,Inc., 1946 . - VI, 211tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : Industry, Human relations, society, organization
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Human relations in industry. 2: The factory as a social sytem. 3: The factory in the community. 4: Functions and pathology of status sytems. 5: The motivation of the underprivilleged worker. 6: Race relations in industry. 7: When works and customers meet. 8: Role of union organization. 9: The basis of industrial conflict. 10: Industry and society
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 475

69. New directions in psychology II/ Theodore M.Newcomb . - NY. : Holt,Rinehart and winston, Inc., 1965 . - X, 422tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : psychology, dreams, brain
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The psychology of creativity. 2: An essay on dreams: the role of physiology in understanding their nature. 3: Emerging technologies for making decisions. 4: Drives, rewards and the brain
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 480

70. The inner word of mental Illness/ Bert Kaplan . - NY. : Harper and row, 1964 . - XII, 467tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : psychotic, psychopathologies, Drug-induced
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The psychotic experience. 2: A variety of psychopathologies. 3: Drug-induced states. 4: Some historic statements
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 476

71. Existence a new dimension in psychiatry and psychology/ Rollo May, Ernest Angel . - NY. : Basic Books,Inc., 1958
Từ khoá : psychiatry, psychology, Phenmenology
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Introduction. Part 2: Phenmenology. Part 3: Existen tial analysis
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 477

72. Behavior in groups/ Alfred Benjamin . - London : Houghton mifflin company, 1978 . - XIII, 128tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Behavior, group, group leaders
Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: The dynamics of samll groups: an overview. Chapter 2: Groups before action. Chapter 3: Nightmare and reality. Chapter 4: The group meet. Chapter 5: Member skills. Chapter 6: Leader skills. Chapter 7: The group in action. Chapter 8: Training neophyte group leaders
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 453

73. Human behavior/ Bernard Berelson, Gary A. Steiner . - NY. : Harcourt, barace world, Inc., Bernard Berelson, Gary A. Steiner . - 225tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Human behavior, Culture, society, Groups, organizations
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction. 2: Culture and society. 3: Social institutions. 4: Groups and organizations. 5: Social class. 6: Ethnic relations. 7: Opinion and communication. 8: Behavioral development and learning. 9: Perceiving. 10: Motivation. 11: Personality. 12: Intelligence. 13: Conclusion.
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 479

74. Principles of abnormal psychology: the dynamics of psychic Illness/ A.H.Maslow . - NY. : Harper brothers publishers, 1941 . - XIII, 665tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : abnormal psychology, psychopathology, Therapy
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Introductory concepts. Part 2: Psychodynamic peocesses. Part 3: The etiology of psychopathology. Part 4: Therapy. Part 5: Syndromes in infancy, childhood and adolescence. Part 6: Syndromes in adulthood. Part 7: Syndromes in old age
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1131

75. The basic writings of sigmund freud/ A.A.Brill . - NY. : The modern library, 1938 . - VI, 1001tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : sigmund freud, Psychopathology, psychoanalytic , dreams
Giới thiệu nội dung : Book 1: Psychopathology of everyday life. Book 2: the interpretation of dreams. Book 3: three contributions to the theory of sex. Book 4: Wit and its relation to the unconscious. Book 5: Totem and taboo. Book 6: The history of the psychoanalytic movement
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 473

76. Classics of organizational behavior/ Walter E. Natemeyer . - USA : Moore publishing company,Inc., 1978 . - X, 362tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Organizational behavior, Management
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Management and the beahvioral sciences. 2: individual behavior and motivation. 3: Interpersonal and group behavior. 4: Leadership and power. 5: Behavioral dimensions of organizations. 6: Organizational change and development
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1107

77. Arnormal psychology and modern life/ James C. Coleman . - Chigano : Scott,foresman and company, 1956 . - XII, 676tr., 24 cm
Từ khoá : Abnormal psychology, brain pathology
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Introduction. Part 2: Dynamics of normal and abnormal behavior. Part 3: Disorders of psychogenic orgin. Part 4: Disorders associated with brain pathology. Part 5: Modern methods of diagnosis, understanding, treatment and prevention
Ký hiệu kho : LL 888

78. The nature of human intelligence/ J.P.Guilford . - NY. : McGraw-Hill Book company, 1967 . - 538tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : human intelligence, intelligence
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introdution. 2: The structure of intelligence. 3: Implications for psychological theory. 4: Determines of intelligence. 5: Reflections
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1143

79. Psychology: a study of a science: Investigations of man as socius: their place in Psychology and the social sciences / Sigmund Koch . - NY. : McGraw-Hill book company,Inc., 1963 . - XII, 791tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Psychology, social sciences, Social psychology, Social attitudes
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: introduction to study II. 2: Social psychology: problems and trends in inter-disciplinary relationships. 3: Social attitudes and other acquired behavioral behavioral dispositions. 4: Social psychology in relation to general psychology and other behavioral sciences. 5: Psycholingstics. 6: Sociology and psychology. 7: The relationchip of anthropology to studies in per-ception and cognition. 8: Personality, culture and society in behavioral evolu-tion. 9: Psychology in anthropology: applications to culture change. 10: Linguistics and psychology. 11: Political science and psychology. 12: The relationchip between psychology and economics
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1142

80. Theories of learning/ Ernest R.Hilgard, Gordon H.Bower . - NY. : Appleton-century-crofts, Ernest R.Hilgard, Gordon H.Bower . - VII, 661tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : learning, learning theories
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The nature of learning theories. 2: Thorndike´s connectionism. 3: Pavlov´s classical conditioning. 5: Skinner´s operant conditioning. 6: Hull´s systematic behavior theory. 7: Tolman´s sign learning. 8: Gestalt theory. 9: Freud´s psychodynamics. 10: Functionalism. 11: Mathematical learning theory. 12: Information processing models. 13: Neurophysiology. 14: Recent developments. 15: Recent developments. 16: learning and the technology of instruction
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1129

81. Psychology: a study of a science: Formulations of the person and the social context / Sigmund Koch . - NY. : McGraw-Hill book company,Inc., 1959 . - X, 837tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Psychology
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction. 2: Preparations for the scaffold of a comprehensive system. 3: the structure of psychoanalytic theory: a systematizing attempt. 4: A theory of therapy, personality and interpersonal relation-ships, as developed in the client-centered framework. 5: Personality theory growing from multivariate quantitative research. 6: Psychogenetic studies of twins. 7: A perspective on social psychology. 8: Individual systems of orientation. 9: A preliminary statement to a theory of attitude structure and change. 10: Latent structure analysis. 11: Work-emotionality thoery of the group as organism. 12: An approach to psychological theory in terms of the theory of action
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1144

82. Symbols of transformation/ C.G.Jung . - NY. : Bollinggen Foundation Inc., 1956 . - XXIX, 567tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : thinking, libido
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part One: 1: Introduction. 2: Two kinds of thinking. 3: The miller fantasies: anamnesis. 4: The hymn of creation. 5: The song of the moth. Part Two: 1: Introduction. 2: The concept of libido. 3: The transformation of libido. 4: The origin of the hero. 5: Symbols of the mother and of rebirth. 6: The battle for deliverance from the mother. 7: The dual mother. 8: The sacrifice
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1130

83. Psychology of personality: readings in theory/ William S.Sahakian . - Chicago : Rand McNally College publishing company, 1965 . - XX, 565tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Psychology, personality
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: The dynamic approach: the freudian and neopsychoanalytic tradition. Part 2: Existential and phenomenological approaches to personality. Part 3: Cognitive approaches to personality. Part 4: Holistic and organismic approaches to personality. Part 5: Constitutional approach to personality. Part 6: Trait and factor theoretical approaches to personality. Part 7: S-R Approaches to personality. Part 8: Social learning approaches to personality
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1140

84. The psychoses/ Elton B.McNeil . - London : Prentice-hall,Inc., 1970 . - X, 194tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : psychosis, Theories
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Man and madness. Part 2: Theories of psychosis. Part 3: The formas of psychosis. Part 4: Order from disorder: the therapies
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1139

85. The uses of enchantment/ Bruno Bettelheim . - NY. : A division of random house, 1977 . - 327tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : Fairy tales, Psychoanalysis, Folk-lore and children
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part One: A pocketful of magic: 1- Life divined from the inside. 2- "The fisherman and the jinny": fairy tale compared to fable. 3-Fairy tale versus myth: optimism versus pessimism. 4- "The three little pigs: Pleasure principle versus beality principle". 5-The child´s need for magic. 6-The importance of externalization: fantasy figures and events. 7-Transformations: the fantasy of the wicked stepmother. 8: Bringging order into chaos. 9: "The qeen bee": achieving integration. 10: "Brother and sister": unifying our dual nature
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 472

86. Psychopathology and literature/ Leslie Y.Rabkin . - California : Chandler publishing company, 1966 . - XII, 325tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : aPsychopathology, psychoses, literature
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The psychoneuroses. 2: The psychoses. 3: Character and personality disorders. 4: Brain disorders. 5: Therapy. 6: Selected bibliographies
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 471

87. Collected papers/ Sigmund Freud . - London : The hogarth press, 1950 . - 606tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : hysteria, five-year-old boy, Psycho-analytic
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Fragment of an analysis of a case of hysteria. 2: Analysis of a phobia a five-year-old boy. 3: Notes upon a case of obsessional neu-rosis. 4: Psycho-analytic notes upon an auto-biographical account of a case of parannoia. 5: From the history of an infantile neu-rosis
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1136

88. Group process and productivity/ Ivan D.Steiner . - NY. : Academic press,Inc., 1972 . - VIII, 204tr., 22 cm
Từ khoá : Group, Motivation
Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Group performance of unitary tasks. Chapter 3: Group performance of divisible tasks. Chapter 4: Effects of group size. Chapter 5: Consequences of group composition. Chapter 6: Motivation. Chapter 7: System and process
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1128

89. The evolving self: problem and process in human development / Robert Kegan . - London : Harvard university Press, 1982 . - XI, 318tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Developmental psychology, Personality change, Self, Meaning, Psychotherapy
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part One: Evolutionary truces: 1-The unrecognized genius of jean piaget. 2-The evolution of moral meaning-making. 3-The constitutions of the self. Part Two: The natural emergencies of self: 4-The growth and loss of the incorprative self. 5-The growth and loss of the impulsive self. 6-The growth and loss of the imperial self. 7-The growth and loss of the interpersonal self. 8-The growth and loss of the institutional self
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1141

90. People, work and organizations/ Bernard M.Bass, Gerald V.Barrett . - London : Allyn and bacon,Inc., 1981 . - X, 673tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Psychology, Industrial, Organizational behavior
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction tp industrial and organizational psychology. 2: Organizational psychology. 3: Personnel Psychology
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1069

91. Psychology human relations and work adjustment/ Donald A.Laird, Eleanor C.Laird . - NY. : McGraw-Hill Book company, 1983 . - XI,399tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Psychology, Industrial
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Orientation to work behavior. Part 2: Self-understanding and carreerplanning. Part 3: Work adjustmen and human relations. Part 4: Personal growth and job productivity
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1068

92. On becoming a person/ Carl R.Rorgers . - Boston : Houghton mifflin company, 1961 . - XI, 420tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : person, psychotherapy
Giới thiệu nội dung : PArt 1: Speaking personally. Part 2: How can i be of help?. Part 3: the process of becoming a person. Part 4: A philosophy of persons. Part 5: Getting at the facts: the place of research in psychotherapy. Part 6: What are the implications for living?. Part 7: The behavioral sciences and the person
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1063

93. Sexual excitement sexual peace/ Suzanne Sarnoff Irving Sarnoff . - NY. : M.Evans and Co.,Inc., 1979 . - XII, 319tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : Sexua, Masturbation, Psychological aspects
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: The experience of masturbation. Part 2: Masturbation and child development. Part 3: Masturbation and Adult fulfillment
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1071

94. Personality and social encounter/ Gordon W.Allport . - Boston : Beacon Press, 1960 . - IX, 386tr., 20 cm
Từ khoá : personality, Group tensions
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: An Approach to personality. Part 2: Motivation and structure in personality. Part 3: Normative problems in personality. Part 4: Group tensions. Part 5: Perception and social programs
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 407

95. Groups: theory and experience/ Rodney W.Napier, Matti K.Gershenfeld . - Boston : Houghton mifflin company, 1973 . - XI, 311tr., 21 cm
Từ khoá : Groups, Perception, communication
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Perception and communication. 2: Membership. 3: Norms, group pressures, group standards. 4: Goals. 5: leadership. 6: Group problem solving and decsion making. 7: The evolution of working groups: understanding and prediction. 8: The current status of groups
Ký hiệu kho : Lb 405

96. Becoming partners/ Carl R.Rogers . - NY. : Delacorte press, 1972 . - 243tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Marriage, growing person
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Shall we get married. 2: An "unmarried-married" couple. 3: A "now" marriage. 4: Marriage-then. 5: Three marriages and one growing person. 6: Black and white. 7: Communes as marital experiments. 8: Fifteen years of a radically changing relationship. 9: Threads of permanence of enrichment. 10: So??What do we do?
Ký hiệu kho : LL 856

97. Groups in process: An introduction to small group communication / Larry L.Barker, Kathy J.Wahlers . - New jersey : Prentice-hall,Inc., 1983 . - VIII, 264tr., 23 cm
Từ khoá : Small groups, Communication in samll groups, Decision-making
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction. 2: A systems approach to small group communication. 3: Nature of goals and their relevance to small group communication. 4: Variables affecting samll group behavior. 5: Listening and feedback in small groups. 6: Information acquisition, processing, and diffusion. 7: Problem solving. 8: Nonverbal communication in the samll group. 9: Leadership in samll groups. 10: Conflict management and resolution in small groups. 11: Special forms of small group communication
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1056

98. Reaching out interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization/ David W.Johnson . - New Jersey : Prentice-Hall,Inc.,, 1981 . - XI, 308tr., 22 cm
Từ khoá : Interpersonal relation, Self-realization, United states
Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The importance of interpersonal skills. 2: Self-disclosure. 3: Developing and maintaining trust. 4: Increasing your communication skills. 5: Expressing your feelings verbally. 6: Expressing your feelings nonverbally. 7: Helpful listening and responding. 8: Acceptance of self and others. 9: Resolving interpersonal conflicts. 10: Defining conflicts constructively. 11: Confrontation and negotiation. 12: Anger, stress and managing your feelings
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1057

99. Group effectiveness in organizations/ Linda N.Jewell, H.Joseph Reitz . - England : Scott,Foresman and company, 1981 . - 164tr., 22 cm
Từ khoá : Organization, Small groups, Work groups, Joint author
Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: The nature of groups in organizations. Chapter 2: Group development. Chapter 3: Communication and groups. Chapter 4: Influence and groups. Chapter 5: Group decision making. Chapter 6: Cooperation and competition in groups. Chapter 7: Integroup competition and conflict. Chapter 8: An integrating model of group behavior
Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1058

100. A survey of social psychology/ Leonard Berkowitz . - NY. : Holt, rinehart and winston, 1980 . - XIII, 594tr., 24 cm
Từ khoá : Social psychology
Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: What is social psychology. Part 2: Conceptions of human nature. Part 3: Social interaction. Part 4: Group, cultural and environmental influences
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