Thông báo sách mới tháng 5 năm 2010 (Phần 2)


21. Organizational psychology an experiential approach/ David A.Kolb, Irwin M.Rubin . - London : Prentice-Hall behavioral science in business series, 1979 . - XI,496tr., 27 cm
        Từ khoá : Psychology, industrial
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Basic human processes. Part 2:Leadership and management. Part 3: Organizationas as systems. Part 4: Development and change
        Ký hiệu kho : LL 891
22. The encyclopedic dictionary of Psychology/ Rom Harré, Roger Lamb . - England : Great Britain, 1983 . - 717 tr., 25 cm
        Từ khoá : Psychology dictionaries
        Giới thiệu nội dung : The encyclopedic dictionary of Psychology contains approximately 1,300 entries prepared by over 250 specialists co-ordinated by 17 list editors. The "lists" include clinical, developmental, educa-tional, historical, physiogical (human and animal)and social psychology, the emotions, ethology, psycholinguistics and learning and memory. Emphasis is placed throughout on intersections with related disciplines such as sociology, neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Schools of psychology, important pracstitioners, fundamental concepts and empirical techniques are treated in articles about 1.500 words long, while the most widely used terms are defined in entries of about 150 words. Both types of entries contain bibloiographic references. A special index of other terms and variants is included to guide readers to appropriate entries
        Ký hiệu kho : LL 899
23. Social Psychology/ Jonathan L.Freedman, David O.Sears, J.Merrill Carlsmith . - London : Prentice- Hall, inc.,Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1981 . - XIV,686tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : Social psychology
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction and theories. 2: Methods. 3: Attachment and affiliation. 4: Social perception. 5: Attribution theory. 6: Liking and attraction. 7: Aggression. 8: Attruism and prosocial behavior. 9: Conformity and compliance. 10: Attitudes and attitude change. 11: Attitudes and behavior. 12: Attitude change in the real world. 13: Sex roles. 14: Group structure and leadership. 15: Group dynamics. 16: Environmental and urban psychology
        Ký hiệu kho : LL 892
24. Psychology in administration aresearch orientation/ Timothy W.Costello, Sheldon S.Zalkind . - London : Prentice- Hall, inc.,Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1963 . - XII,500tr., 22,5 cm
        Từ khoá : stress, frustration, anxiety, conflict, Attitudes
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Perceiving people and situations. Part 2: Needs, motives and goals. Part 3: Reactions to stress: frustration, anxiety, and conflict. Part 4: Effecting change in behavior: the learning process. Part 5: Attitudes and attiude change. Part 6: thinking: problem solving, decision making; creativity
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1167
25. Internatinal behavior a social- psychological analysis/ Herbert C.Kelman . - NY. : Holt, rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1965 . - XIV,626 tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : social psychological
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: National and international Images. Part 2: Processes of interaction in international relations
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1161
26. Interpersonal living a skills/contract approach to human- relations training in groups/ Gerard Egan . - California : Wadsworth publishing company,Inc.,, 1976 . - XIII,317tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : Interpersona
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Introduction and overview. Part 2: Phase 1: The skills of letting yourself be known. Part 3: Phase 1: The skills of listening and responding. Part 4: Phase 1: The skills of challenging. Part 5: The skills of effective group participation. Part 6: Phase 3: Putting it all together
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1162
27. Current perspectives in social psychology/ E.P.Hollander, Raymond g.Hunt . - NY. : Oxford Universuty Press,Inc., 1963 . - XI,557tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : social psychology, Language, communication
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Basic issues and processes. 2: Culture, learning and group identification. 3: Personality and society. 4: Language and communication. 5: Person perception, interaction and role. 6: Attitudes and cognition. 7: Normative, behavior, conformity and intra-group processes. 8: Leadership, power and innovation
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1169
28. Individual behavior aperceptual approach to behavior/ Arthur W.Combs, Donald Snygg . - NY. : Harper brothers, 1959 . - IX,522 tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : Individual behavior
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: The perceptual frame of reference. Part 2: The perceptual approach applied
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1155
29. Cognition: an introduction/ Michael I.Posner . - England : Scott, Foresman and company, glenview, Illinois, 1973 . - 208tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : Cognition
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: A history of memory and thought. 2: Representation in memory. 3: Abstraction and iconic concepts. 4: Symbolic concepts and mental structures. 5: Mental operations. 6: Consciousness. 7: Search strategies and problem solving
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1147
30. Introduction to personality and psychotherapy/ Joseph F.Rychlak . - London : Houghton mifflin company, 1981 . - 127tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : personality, psychotherapy
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter1: The beginnings of psychoanalysis: sigmund freud. Chapter 2: The individual Psychology of alfred adler. Chapter 3: The analytical psychology of carl jung. Chapter 4: Theory-construction issues in classical psychoanalysis. Chapter 5: An "american" psychology: the interpersonal theory of harry stack sullivan. Chapter 6: Behavioral learning in personallity and psychotherapy: dollard and miller. Chapter 7: From the laboratory to the consulting room: Skinner, wolpe, stamfl and bandura. Chapter 8: Theory construction in the empirico-behavioristic tradition. Chapter 9: Applied phenomenology: the client centered psychology of carl R.Rogers. Chapter 10: Existential analysis or daseinsanalysis: binswanger and boss. Chapter 11: Two kinds of constructive theories: jean piaget and george A. Kelly. Chapter 12: Theory construction in the phenomenological outlook
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1146
31. The first five years of life a guide to the study of the preschool child/ Arnild Gesell,M.D . - NY. : Arnold Gesell, 1940 . - Xiii, 593tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : first five years, preschool child
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: Introduction: understanding the pre-school child. Chapter 2: The nature of mental growth. Chapter 3: The first year of life. Chapter 4: From one to five. Chapter 5: A pictorial survey of preschool behavior. Chapter 6: Motor development. Chapter 7: Adaptive behavior. Chapter 8: Language development. Chapter 9: personal social behavior. Chapter 10: The philosophy of the developmental examination. Chapter 11: The conduct of the developmental examination. Chapter 12: Clinical adaptations to atypical conditions. Chapter 13: Individuality and its characterization. Chapter 14: Developmental supervision and the school beginner
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1150
32. Pattern and growth in personality/ Gordon W.Allport . - NY. : Holt, rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1937 . - XIV,593tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : personality
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: An approach to personality. Part 2: Development of personality. Part 3: Structure of personality. Part 4: Assessment of personality. Part 5: Understanding personality
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1154
33. Theories of perception and the concept of structure/ Floyd H.Allport . - NY. : John Wley Sons, Inc, 1955 . - XXII,709tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : perception
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: An orientation to psychological theories. 2: the problem of perception-its place in the method-ology of science. 3: The phenomena of perception. 4: The classical theories and their legacy, core-con-text theory. 5: The configuratinal approach; gestalt theory of perception. 6: Topological field theory and its relation to perception. 7: The association approach: cell assembly and phase sequence. 8: Motor aspects: sensory-tonic field theory. 9: Motor aspects: set and motor adjust-ments; their relation to perceptual theory. 10: Adaptation-level; perceptual norm and frame op reference. 11: Functional and molar standpoints: Probabilstic and transactional functionalsm
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1145
34. The borderless world power and strategy in the interlinked economy/ Kenichi Ohmae . - USA : McKinsey Company,Inc, Kenichi Ohmae . - XV,223 tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : Japan, Developing countries, Investments, International trade, International economic relations, Developing countries, Economic development, Economic history
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: An inside-out view of macroeconomics. 2: The equidistant manager. 3: Getting back to strategy. 4: Do more better. 5: The chine mentality. 6: Getting rid of the headquarters mentality. 7: Planting for a global harvest. 8: The global logic of strategic alliances. 9: "Lies, damned lies and statistics". 10: The FX empire. 11: Development in a borderless word. 12: A steady hand
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1164
35. Behavior in organizations/ Lyman W.Porter, Edward E.Lawlwr III, J.Richard Hackman . - NY. : McGraw-Hill,Inc., 1975 . - XIV,561tr., 21 cm
        Từ khoá : Organization, Mangement, Psychology,industrial
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Individuals, organizations and their interaction. Part 2: The development of individual-organization relationships. Part 3: Influences on work behavior: structural factors. Part 4: influences on work behavior: organizational practices and social processes. Part 5: Improving organizational effectiveness
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1159
36. Personality/ J.P.Guilford . - NY. : McGraw-hill book company, Inc., 1959 . - Xiii, 562tr., 22 cm
        Từ khoá : Personality
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Conceptions of personality. 2: Issues and approaches to personality. 3: The prediction of behavior. 4: Behavior traits. 5: The structure of personality. 6: Morphological and physiological methods. 7: observational methods, ratings, interviews. 8: Personality inventories. 9: interest and attitude measurement. 10: Behavior tests. 11: Expressive methods. 12: Projective techniques. 13: Other clinical methods. 14: Somatic dimensions. 15: Dimensions of aptitude. 16: Dimensions of temperament. 17: Hormetic dimensions. 18: Dimensions of pathology
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1152
37. Classic contributions to social psychology/ Edwin P.Hollander, Raymond G. Hunt . - London : Oxford university press, Inc., 1972 . - X,419 tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : social psychology, culture
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The person in society and culture. 2: Social interaction, perception and role. 3: Attitudes and cognition. 4: Language and communication. 5: Group processes
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1163
38. Personality a biosocial approach to origins and structure/ Gardner Murphy . - NY. : Harper Brothers, 1947 . - XII, 999tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : Personality, Individual, group
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Organic foundations. Part 2: Learning. Part 3: The personal outlook. Part 4: The self. Part 5: Wholeness. Part 6: Individual and group
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1153
39. Executive the guide to responsive management/ Harry Levinson . - London : President and fellows of harvard college, Harry Levinson . - X, 370tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : Executives, Leadership, Lang
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Defining the problem. Part 2: Redenfining leadership. Part 3: Moving toward action. Part 4: Moving with change
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1170
40. Readinggs in experimental social psychology/ Anthony N.Doob, Dennis T.Regan . - NY. : Meredith corporation, 1971 . - Xiii, 559tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : social psychology
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Person perception. 2: Affiliation and emotion. 3: The varied effects of cognitive dissonance. 4: Atftude change. 5: Obedience compliance and conformiry. 6: The infuence of groups. 7: Aggression. 8: Some practical questions
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1168
41. Basic studies in social psychology/ Harold Proshansky, Bernald Seidenberg . - Ny. : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1965 . - XVII,743tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : social psychology
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: The field of social psychology. Part 2: Basic psychological processes. Part 3: Attitudes and opinions. Part 4: Culture context and the individual. Part 5: Patterning of social interaction in groups and organizations. Part 6: Stress and conflict in group life
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1158
42. Heterosexuality/ William H.Masters, Virginia E.Johnson, Robert C.Kolodny . - NY. : HarperCollins publishers, Inc, 1994 . - X,595 tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : Sex, Sex(psychology), Sex(biology), Sexual disorders
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: love and intimacy. 2: Sex and sensuality. 3: Patterns of sexual response. 4: Low sexual desire. 5: Ejaculatory problems. 6: In search of potency. 7: Female sexual dysfunctions.8: Compulsive sexual behavior. 9: Conception and contraception. 10: Abortion. 11: Infertility. 12: Sexual aspects of common medical problems. 13: Sexually transmitted diseases. 14: HIV infection and AIDS. 15: Adolescent sexuality. 16: Sex and aging. 17: Affairs
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1157
43. The social psychology of organizations zed/ Daniel Katz, Robert L.Kahn . - NY. : John Wiley Sons, 1966 . - VI,838tr., 22 cm
        Từ khoá : Organization, Social psychology
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Theoretical approach. Part 2: Models of organization. Part 3: Problems and processes
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1156
44. Personality a psychological interpretation/ Gordon W.Allport . - NY. : Henry holt and company, 1937 . - XIV,588tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : Personality, individuality
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Chapter 1: Psychology and the study of individuality. Chapter 2: Defing personality. Chapter 3: A brief history of characterology. Chapter 4: Foundations of personality. Chapter 5: Basic aspects of growth. Chapter 6: The self and its constraints. Chapter 7: The transformation of motivies. 8: The mature personality. 9: The search for elements. 10: The theory of identical elements. Chapter 11: The theory of traits
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1148
45. Behaving in organizations tales from the trenches/ Jerri L.Frantzve . - London : Allyn and Bacon,Inc, 1983 . - IX,226 tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : Organizational behavior, Case studies
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Introduction. Part 2: Behavior in organizations: individ-ual processes. Part 3: Behavior in organizations: group processes. Part 4: Behavior in organizations: enhanc-ing its effectiveness
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1165
46. Introduction to personality and psychotherapy/ Joseph F.Rychlak . - London : Hoighton mifflin company, 1981 . - XXIII,871tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : personality, psychotherapy
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Mixed Kantian- Lockean models in classical psychoanalyis. Part 2: Lockean modeels in american psychiatry and behaviorism. Part 3: Kantian models in the phenomenological outlook
        Ký hiệu kho : LL 890
47. The child from five to ten/ Arnold gesell, MD. Frances L.Ilg, MD . - NY. : Harper Brothers publishers, 1946 . - XII,475tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : child, growing child, five to ten
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Growth. Part 2: The growing child. Part 3: The growth complex
        Ký hiệu kho : LL 889
48. Interpersonal dynamics essays and readings on human interaction/ Bennis Warren G., Shein Edgar H. . - USA : The dorsey press, homewood, Illinois, 1968 . - XVI,766tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : Interpersonal, interpersonal relationships
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Emotional expressions in interpersonal relationships. Part 2: Some interpersonal aspects of self-confirmatin. Part 3: Personal change through interpersonal relationships. Part 4: The instrumental relationship. Part 5: Towards better interpersonal relationships
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1149
49. Infant and child in the culture of today/ Arnold Gesell, Frances L.Ilg . - NY. : Harper Brothers publishers, 1943 . - XII,393tr., 24 cm
        Từ khoá : child, culture
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Growth and culture. Part 2: The growing child. Part 3: The guidance of growth
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1151
50. Vice president in charge of revolution/ Murray D.Lincoln . - NY. : McGraw-Hill Book Company,Inc., 1960 . - 342tr., 20 cm
        Từ khoá : Vice president, Lincoin, personal
        Giới thiệu nội dung : This book is the personal recollection of the life of murray danforth Lincoin bor in 1892. Ii represents a remarkable feat of recall by a man who has never kept a diary, who wrote few letters and even fewer articles for publication. In so far as it has been possible or practical, names, dates, figures, facts have been checked and corrected. However, because this is a personal record of one man´s life and times, there are bound to be some errors and omissions. For what murray lincoln thought, felt, saw and remembers. other no apology nor explanation. For what I have failed to elicit from him, I beg your indulgence
        Ký hiệu kho : Lb 460
51. The new society the anatomy of industrial order/ Peter F.Drucker . - NY. : Harper Row, publishers, 1949 . - XIII,362tr., cm
        Từ khoá : society, industrial, ecomic conflicts, management
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: The industrial enterprise. Part 2: The problems of industrial order: the ecomic conflicts. Part 3: The problems of industrial order: management and union. Part 4: The problems of industrial order: the plant community. Part 5: The problems of industrial order: the managenmet function. Part 6: The principles of industrial order: exit the proletarian. Part 7: The principles of industrial oder: the federal organization of management. Part 8: The principles of industrial order: the self-governing plant community. PArt 9: The principles of industrial order: the labor unionas a citizen
        Ký hiệu kho : Lb 461
52. Men at the top a study in community power/ Robert Presthus . - NY. : Oxford university Press, 1964 . - X,485tr., 20 cm
        Từ khoá : Men, community power
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Theoretical framework. 2: Power structure analysis. 3: Edgewood and rivervew: community and issues. 4: Power Structure in Edgewood. 5: Power structure in riverview. 6: Power structure and xompany resources. 7: Elite politics and powr structure. 8: pluralism: an empirical test. 9: Community social structure and political behavior. 10: Community values and consensus. 11: Power structure and organizational effectiveness. 12: Continuties in power structure theory and reserch
        Ký hiệu kho : Lb 459
53. Biology today second edition/ Academic Advier, Principal Author . - NY. : Random House, Inc.,, 1972 . - XI,847tr., 26 cm
        Từ khoá : Biology, Biological behavior, Populations, Human biology
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Section 1: The study of life. Section 2: The diversity of life. Section 3: The unity of life. Section 4: The continuity of life. Section 5: Integration of life processes. Section 6: Biological behavior. Section 7: Populations, communities and natural selection. Section 8: Human biology
        Ký hiệu kho : LL 876
54. Social psychology in the 80s/ Lawrence S.Wrightsman, Kay Deaux . - California : A division of wadsworth,Inc., 1972 . - XVIII,566tr., 26 cm
        Từ khoá : Social psychology, Joint author
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Theories as explanations of social behavior. 2: Methods studying social behavior. 3: Social perception: impressions and explanations of people. 4: Impression management: the self in social interaction. 5: interpersonal communication. 6: Affiation, attraction and love. 7: The social psychology of sexual behavior. 8: Moral Judgments and behavior. 9: Prosocial behavior: cooperation and helping. 10: Aggression and violence. 11: Attitudes, prejudice and discrimination. 12: Theories of attitude change. 13: attitude and behavior change: outcomes. 14: Social influence and personal control
        Ký hiệu kho : LL 875
55. Eupsychian Management/ Abraham H.Maslow . - USA : Richard D. Irwin,Inc., 1965 . - XVI,277tr., 22 cm
        Từ khoá : Management, management policy, attitude
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: The attitude of self- actualizing people to duty, work, missin, etc. 2: Additional notes on self-actualization, work, duty, mission, ect. 3: Additions to the notes on S-A duty. 4: Different management principles at different levels in the motivation hierarchy. 5: Notes on eupsychian economics and managenment. 6: The neglect of individual differences in management policy. 7: The balance of the forces toward growth and regression. 8: memorandum on the goals and directives of enlightened management and of organizational theory. 9: Regressive forces. 10: Notes on sef- esteem in the word situation. 11: Management as a psychological experiment
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1125
56. The origin of interests/ Anne Roe, Marvin Siegelman . - NY. : New hampshire avenue, N.W.Washington,D.C., Anne Roe, Marvin Siegelman Marvin . - 98tr., 25 cm
        Từ khoá : personal, interests
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Categories in roe classification of occupations, vocational guidance, person siented approach, personal interest inrention
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1126
57. Group dynamics research and theory/ Dorwin Cartwright,Alvin Zander . - NY. : Row, Peteson and company, 1960 . - XII,825tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : Group dynamics, leadership
        Giới thiệu nội dung : Part 1: Introduction to group dynamics. PArt 2: Group Cohesiveness. Part 3: Group Pressures and group standards. part 4: Individual motives and group goals. Part 5: leadership and group performance. Part 6: The structural properties of groups
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1106
58. Biology today/ Del Mar . - California : Communications research machines, Inc., 1972 . - XXXI,1020tr., 28 cm
        Từ khoá : Biology
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Vialists and mechanists. 2: The variety of life. 3: atoms and bonds. 4: Chemistry of life. 5: Photosynthesis. 6: Respiration. 7: Eucaryotic cells. 8: Procaryotic cells. 9: Viruses. 10: Membranes. 11: Specialized cells and tissues. 12: Mendelian genetics. 13: Cell Division. 14: Classical Genetics: 15: Molecular Genetics. 16: Reprodution. 17: Cellular regulation and control. 18: Development. 19: Physiology
        Ký hiệu kho : LL 874
59. Psychology of industrial conflict/ Ross Stagner . - NY. : John Wiley @ Sons, Inc., 1959 . - IX,550tr., 23 cm
        Từ khoá : industrial conflict, Motivation, Groups, Leadership
        Giới thiệu nội dung : 1: Introduction. 2: Perception: general considerations. 3: Perception: applied aspects. 4: Motivation: Principles.5. Motivation: some applications. 6: Frustratinon and aggression. 7: Groups and group behavior. 8: Leadership. 9: Institutions. 10: Tactics: management. 11: Tactics: the union. 12: The accommodation process. 13: The strike. 14: cooperation. 15: Industrial peace
        Ký hiệu kho : Lv 1099
60. Exploring social space: Exercises and readings / Michel P.Richard, John Mann . - NY. : Collier-Macmillan Publishers, 1973 . - XIV,192 tr., 28 cm
        Từ khoá : demographic, Social
        Giới thiệu nội dung : I: Basic concepts. II: Major social institutions. III: Social and demographic processes
        Ký hiệu kho : LL 877

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