Cognitive and Emotional Factors Related to Intrusive Mental Imagery
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Cognitive and Emotional Factors Related to Intrusive Mental Imagery.

Ethics approval number: S16922   
You are invited to take part in this research project to examine how cognitive and emotional factors are related to intrusive mental imagery.

The research team consists of Miss Domonique Doyle (honours student), Dr Geoff Lovell (principle researcher), and Dr John Parker (co-supervisor). Please direct any questions to: 


Domonique Doyle  
Phone: +61 406 557 568
OR        Dr Geoff Lovell
Phone: +61 7 5456 5100

Participant experience
Males and females between over the ages of 18 years who currently engage in sport at any competitive level are invited to take part in this survey. The survey will ask you questions about what you see and feel when you form mental images in your mind about your sport (e.g., there are images that come to mind I cannot erase), how you feel about your thoughts (e.g., worrying helps me to avoid problems in the future), vividness level of your mental images (e.g., watching yourself performing the movement of bending to pick up a coin), and how you feel emotionally (e.g., how proud are you at present). Participation in this study is voluntary and you may withdraw at any stage, without explanation and with no consequence. If you agree to take part in this study, you will be asked to complete an online survey that will take approximately 5-8 minutes to complete. 

Risks and benefits
There are no major risks involved in this survey; however should this survey raise any concerns or psychological distress participants are encouraged to contact Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636) or your GP. While you will not receive any direct benefits for participating, your information will help to expand the current knowledge on the cognitive and emotional factors related to intrusive mental imagery.

Participation and consent
Participation in this project is voluntary, and you may discontinue at any time. As your responses will be non-identifiable, it will not be possible to withdraw your responses after you have submitted them online. Consent will be implied by completion and submission of the survey. Consent is for the use of your results in this research project and potentially for the use in future related projects.

Confidentiality and results
 Your responses to this survey will be completely anonymous, and no member of the research team will know who has participated. If you would like a summary of the findings, please contact Domonique Doyle by email on or Dr.Geoff Lovell on Results will be prepared as a manuscript for submission in a peer reviewed journal and non-identifiable results may also be presented at external or internal conferences, meetings, or by publication.

Complaints / Concerns
If you have any complaints about the way this research project is being conducted you can raise them with the Principal Researcher.  If you prefer an independent person, contact the Chairperson of the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University: (c/- the Research Ethics Officer, Office of Research, University)

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Female Male Prefer not to say.
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